Do I Need to Repair or Replace My Deck?

Do I Need to Repair or Replace My Deck

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With spring and warmer temperatures on the way in Maryland, you may be starting to think about your home’s outdoor living spaces. Late winter and early spring are great times to plan to landscape, begin outdoor projects, and do repairs on your deck. But how do you know if your deck is repairable, or if it really needs to be replaced instead? Let’s look at some things to consider when deciding if you should repair or replace your deck.

What to Inspect

First and foremost, you’ll want to look over your deck for signs of damage. Without being a professional, you may not know where to start. Sure, you can easily see damage to the top of your deck, but you’ll also need to look under it more closely. First, look for signs of damage to the posts holding up the deck, and then to the area where the deck attaches to the home. You’ll also want to look closely at the stairs of the deck if it has them. Once you’ve thoroughly examined the underside of the deck, you can inspect the top to look for signs of damage or rot.

Repairable Damage

You may notice damage to the deck that looks relatively minor, such as some splintering. Sometimes if only one or two decking boards are damaged, it is worth it to replace them as needed, rather than replacing the whole deck. You should also take into consideration the age of the deck. If the deck is relatively new, it is probably worth it to repair it instead of replacing it.

Signs a Replacement is in Order

When you find a good deal of damage on your deck and it is old, it is often more cost-effective to replace it. Repairing a deck with extensive wear and damage to save one or two thousand dollars isn’t going to serve you in the long run, because the rest of the deck that hasn’t been replaced or repaired is still aging.

So what kind of damage is so bad you may need to replace the deck entirely? Water damage to the posts and joists in the deck is very concerning. Over time, water can wear away at the deck and compromise its structure and foundation, making it unsafe and unstable. Likewise, mold and mildew can be damaging as well, but the extent of the mold and mildew can vary and a professional deck builder should be able to inspect the damage and tell you if the deck needs to be rebuilt.

Is the Deck Satisfying Your Needs?

One last thing to consider when making the decision about replacing a deck or repairing it is whether or not the deck is serving its purpose. Do you have an old deck that is too small to be functional for your family? Do you avoid your outdoor space because your deck doesn’t have the features you need to truly enjoy it? Instead of spending money repairing a deck you don’t like and won’t use, you are much better off investing your money on replacing the deck with one that better meets your needs.

Get Affordable Deck Solutions from the Experts

Determining whether to repair or replace your deck can be a challenge, but a professional decking company can tell you honestly if the deck should be replaced for safety, or if a simple repair will suffice. At North American Deck & Patio we are thorough in our deck assessments and are happy to let you know if your deck is salvageable, or if a new deck would be safer and more cost-effective. We are a new deck builder in MD with years of experience and countless happy customers. Give us a call today to discuss your deck!