Should You Build a Deck in the Fall?

Should You Build a Deck in the Fall

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So you know you want to build a deck, but you’re not sure when you should build it. Traditionally, decks are built during the summer months, but what’s wrong with building a deck in the fall? Fall is a great time to build a Maryland deck, and we wanted to take some time today to outline just why we think so.

A Shorter Wait Time

One of the primary advantages of building your Maryland deck in the Fall is the fact that you’ll have a greatly reduced wait time. As we said, most decks are built in the warm spring and summer months, and so it’s the time when Maryland deck builders are at their busiest. During the winter months, things are a lot slower for deck builders in Maryland, which means you won’t need to wait nearly as long to build your deck.

Save Some Money in the Fall

During the slower months, many contractors and Maryland deck builders will offer specials or lower their prices. It’s a simple supply and demand function, fewer people choose to build decks in the Fall, so the prices that Maryland deck builders can charge have to come down. It’s a real win-win situation, you’re happy about getting a low price, and the deck builder is happy to have work in the slow season.

The Ground Conditions

Though spring and summer may be the most popular times to build a deck, all of the rain we see during those months makes the ground muddy, which can add difficulty to the deck construction process. If you’ve ever tried to build something on muddy ground, then you know how hard it can be. These muddy grounds are replaced with solid soil in the fall, making it a lot easier to build.

Work With a Professional Maryland Deck Builder

Here at North American Deck & Patio, we’ve been building decks in Maryland for years, and we’ve built them in every season of the year. Sure, you could hire Joe the contractor and try to save a couple of extra bucks, but you just can’t get a quality deck unless you work with an experienced and professional Maryland deck builder. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve been called in to fix and finish a deck that was started by an unlicensed or inexperienced contractor. Trust us, you’re better off working with a professional. If you’re thinking about building a Maryland deck this fall, give us a call.