What Kind of Fence is Best for Property Value?

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Did you know the kind of fence you build around your home can affect its value? How much a fence can affect your home’s value will depend on things like how well it suits the house, the context of the house, the types of fences around it, and much more. Keeping that in mind, here are some of the most popular fencing materials homeowners have chosen that seem to increase their home value.

Wooden Picket Fence
The American dream is still alive and well. Americans are still looking for homes with a yard and a white picket fence. If you have an American colonial-style home, this is probably the best kind of fence you can build. A white picket fence around an American colonial home can define a yard, as well as provide a level of security.
Wrought Iron-Style Steel Fence
Another timeless classic, black wrought iron steel fences can enhance the beauty of plenty of homes, but especially Victorian houses. Modern variations of this classic fence, made out of galvanized steel and protected by special coatings, have made it possible to emulate this iconic look but with less maintenance. The best thing about this style of fence is that it doesn’t block the view to or from the house. Therefore, it makes it a great choice for homeowners who want to preserve their view. 
Vinyl fencing is affordable, durable, and requires minimal maintenance. When you opt for a vinyl fence, you enjoy all the benefits of a beautifully-designed fence but with less maintenance. It’s the perfect solution for homeowners who are looking for a fence that offers privacy and a beautiful aesthetic. 
Live Fence
A modern take on a fence is a live fence. Made out of trees, shrubs, and touches of additional landscaping, this kind of fence provides a beautiful landscape, security, and definition to your yard. Live fences are easy to install and maintain, which are both things that buyers want out of a home with a fence. They are also quite eye-catching, which can increase the value of your home.
Let North American Deck and Patio Help You Decide
The fencing experts at North American Deck and Patio have been helping homeowners transform their backyards and increase their home value for over 25 years. We know what works, what doesn’t, and how to best improve your home. Get started today with a FREE consultation, or call us at 866.535.1961 to talk to one of our Maryland fence installers.