Why Trex is the Best Bet for Your Deck

Why Trex is the Best Bet for Your Deck

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You’re looking to build a new deck. You want something that will not only impress your friends and family, but also something that will last for years to come. You might be thinking about a wooden deck, and while wood decks can be great, they tend to succumb to the harsh changes in Maryland’s climate.
We wanted to take some time today to offer an alternative to wood, Trex.

What is Trex?

Trex is made of composite materials and has grown to become a common decking material used by many decking contractors. It comes in many different styles, including many that replicate a wood look, so Trex is sure to fit any design scheme. But how does it handle the Maryland climate?

Able to Withstand Both Autumn and Winter Climates

One of the reason Trex decking contractor’s love the material so much is because of its durability. Whereas a lesser decking material might be ravaged by the elements, Trex stands strong. Autumn leaves can smother a wooden deck and trap moisture, causing decay. This is not a problem with Trex, as it is extremely resistant to decay and is easy to clean off any leaf stains.

During the winter-time months, wooden decks can be ravaged by the viscous cycle of freezing and thawing. It works like this: wooden decks have cracks in them, water enters these cracks, freezes, then thaws, and then refreezes. This process repeats and over time will warp your deck. Of course you can reseal your wooden deck, but that can be a pain and is costly. Why not avoid this entire problem by hiring a Trex decking contractor. Trex decks don’t have any small cracks in them, and thus are immune to this cycle.

Survives the Harsh Rain and heat of Spring and Summer

April showers may bring May flowers, but they also can bring other things too. Like mildew and rot. The dampness of Spring can certainly wreak havoc on a wooden deck, and if your deck becomes rotten, then its repair cost could be astronomical. Luckily this is not a problem with composite decks made from material like Trex, as composite materials are much more resistant to mold, mildew, and decay.

The intensity of the sun during Summer can be pleasant for a day at the beach, but much like it can be harmful to your skin, it can also be harmful to your deck. Wooden decks will fade and will either need to be repainted or resealed annually. Trex however is resistant to any fading and will save you the costs of repainting and resealing.

Why Hire a Professional Trex Decking Contractor?

Maybe you earned carpentry merit badge when you were in the Scouts, or maybe you’re just handy around the house. Doesn’t matter. When it comes to something like your deck, you want the aid of an experienced Trex decking contractor. All of your friends and family will be enjoying your deck, and their safety is of paramount interest. Make sure your deck is built properly by hiring a Trex decking contractor like North American Deck and Patio. Contact us today if you have any questions.